Why choose Zoho SalesIq?

At MOBIX, we’re convinced that your website shouldn’t just be a showcase, but also a place for exceptional customer interaction. By installing its powerful live chat, Zoho SalesIQ, you can answer your visitors’ questions, offer personalized support and guide them through their customer journey. With advanced features such as visitor tracking, real-time analysis and the ability to personalize interactions, SalesIQ gives you valuable insight into your visitors’ behavior. Increase efficiency, boost your conversion rate and build strong customer relationships with Zoho SalesIQ, the must-have application for an optimal customer experience.


Save time and provide individual solutions

With Zoho SalesIQ, you can personalize the type of answers you give your customers. Thanks to our live chat functionality, you can save time by using automatic pre-recorded answers for simple requests, or offer personalized answers written by your staff for more complex questions. individual solutions written by your staff for more complex questions.


Respond quickly to customers

When someone contacts you, you can put them directly in touch with the appropriate department: sales, after-sales service, technical support, etc. You have the digital version of a switchboard. Don’t leave any request unanswered, and ensure maximum customer satisfaction thanks to the speed and responsiveness of Zoho SalesIQ.


Improve your brand image

Enhance your brand image with Zoho SalesIQ. You can customize the chat’s appearance to match your brand, and add your logo and colors, reinforcing your company’s recognition. Create a consistent, professional brand image while offering first-rate customer service with Zoho SalesIQ.


Make audio calls

Use the best means of communication: send written replies or make audio calls. Human contact remains essential, so you can show your customers photos of your staff in conversation with each other. Simplify your communications and deliver exceptional customer service with Zoho SalesIQ audio calls.


Don't miss out on any interaction with your visitors

Zoho SalesIQ lets you stay connected in real time with your website visitors, receiving instant notifications for every interaction. Whether through live chat, support requests or inquiries, SalesIQ ensures you don’t miss a single opportunity to engage your visitors and convert them into satisfied customers. Always be there for your visitors and make the most of every interaction with Zoho SalesIQ.


Mobile application

Stay connected and responsive wherever you are with the Zoho SalesIQ mobile application. Manage your interactions with website visitors, respond to live chats and track key statistics, all from your smartphone or tablet. With SalesIQ’s mobile app, you can stay on top of your conversations and deliver exceptional customer service, even on the move.


Detailed visitor statistics

Get detailed visitor statistics with Zoho SalesIQ. The application provides you with valuable information on your visitors’ behavior, including the number of visitors, the most frequently viewed pages, average visit duration and much more.


Improving digital communication

With this data, you can better understand your audiences, optimize your website and make informed decisions to improve your marketing strategy. Optimize your digital communications and take your business to the next level with Zoho SalesIQ.


More effective sales prospecting

By coupling Zoho SalesIq with Zoho CRM, you can record conversations in your database and adapt your interactions to their situation. Use the scoring system to identify, segment and prioritize qualified leads and important customers. With SalesIQ, you get a complete platform for managing and tracking your prospecting efforts, helping you optimize your strategy and reach your sales targets faster. Increase your prospecting efficiency with Zoho SalesIQ.


Easily integrate your business tools

Zoho SalesIQ easily integrates your existing business, marketing and analytical tools. We can help you set up the optimum connection between all your applications. This seamless integration gives you a complete overview of your business, improving process efficiency and delivering more consistent customer service. Simplify your workflow and optimize your operations by integrating your business tools with Zoho SalesIQ.


Témoignages Mobix - Ekip-RMOBIX nous a configuré Zoho afin qu’il corresponde à notre métier. Nous avons même pu développer une fonctionnalité spécifique à notre métier. Et nous continuons à le faire évoluer grâce à leur expertise. Merci à Florian pour sa disponibilité, son écoute et son professionnalisme. Je recommande vivement.


Témoignages Mobix - MiharuMOBIX a été un excellent prestataire pour la rnise en place des logiciels Zoho. Professionnalisme et efficacité. Recommandation 100%.


Témoignages Mobix - GardioMOBIX helps us with integrations between Zoho and various other systems. Fast and very knowledgeable, invaluable support for us!


Témoignages Mobix - HeyliotMOBIX a su nous accompagner parfaitement dans la reprise en main de notre CRM. Les conseils prodigués ont été immédiatement actionnables et nous avons pu en quelques jours repartir sur de bonnes bases. Je recommande donc MOBIX sans hésiter !

Expand your online presence with Zoho SalesIq Be proactive with your visitors and improve your sales efficiency by boosting your customer service.

Anomalies, suggestions, predictions.

Built-in artificial intelligence allows you to go even further and detect anomalies or produce predictions and suggestions.

Secure data.

With Zoho SalesIq, customer relations are brought together in a single software package, with secure data that can be accessed in real time and from anywhere, since it’s a cloud solution.

Personalized follow-up.

At MOBIX, we’re committed to providing customized implementation and follow-up for your project.


Zoho SalesIQ also connects seamlessly with third-party applications, your existing business tools and other Zoho tools.

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